The Perry County Fair - Chili Cook-off
The Perry County Fair - Company Message
14th Annual Chili Cook-off -- Saturday, August 19th

General Rules:
1. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for Best Overall and People's Choice. There will also be a Showmanship award for the best decorated team/booth.
2. Overall Chili winners will be decided by a panel of judges, People's Choice winners will be decided by sales of samples at each contestants booth. Money collected will be donated to a local charity.
3. Chili may be prepared off site and brought to the cook-off.
4. Contestants will be provided ONE table for serving and prep. Chili committee will also provide cups, bowls and spoons.
5. Contestants are responsible for prep and serving of their chili. Electrical outlets, water or cooking utensils will NOT be available.
6. Chili may be prepared with any type of meat or combination and spices of your choice. NO pasta or rice of any type.
7. Set up begins at 2:00 PM, and may start serving immediately after set-up. Awards will be presented as close to 6:00 PM as possible.
8. Entries should be sent to PCF Chili Cook-off, 826 Burnthouse Rd, Carlisle PA 17015.
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