The Perry County Fair - Fair Queen Information
The Perry County Fair - Company Message
Miss Perry County Fair!
Applications should be sent to Stacy Bruker, 3559 Grier Point Rd., Marysville PA 17053

The Miss Perry County Fair competition serves to select an outstanding young woman from Perry County to represent the Perry County Fair locally and at the State Fair Queen competition.
Miss Perry County Fair will reign for one year. Duties will include attending events, contests and shows during the 201 Fair as well as other local events throughout the year.
The highlight of being Miss Perry County Fair is the opportunity to attend the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs convention in Hershey PA. At this convention she will compete in the State Fair Queen competition.
1. Contestants must be a resident of Perry County
2. Must be at least 16 years of age, and not over 20 years of age, by June 1, 2017.
3. Contestants under 18 must have the consent of their parent or guardian.
4. Contestants must be single, never married and have no children. Title will be forfeited to first runner-up if the queen gets married or becomes pregnant during her reign.
5. Former winners can NOT compete again.
6. Must be able and willing to attend the State Fair Convention in January and compete in the State Fair Queen competition.
7. Contestants should be interested in agriculture, community fairs
Judging Criteria:
1. Personal Interview, communication skills, interaction with other contestants and the judges.
2. Stage Presence, general poise, appearance and public speaking ability.
3. Written Essay, witting skills, content and general grammar.
The 2017 competition will be held Tuesday August 15th.
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